Happy April! And happy birthday to my brother, A! I know I've been MIA and I've been promising to try to do a better job blogging here. I apologize YET AGAIN! But today I have a little treat for you! Hubby introduced the kids to a You Tube video of Funky Town and, well, they've been practicing all the dance moves from said video. I was able to surreptitiously start filming them. You can see in the first video that MoMo noticed me filming after a bit and alerted Big R. It's so much better when they don't know they're being filmed! Anyway, here's part 1...
And part 2...
I really have no idea where they got their dancing talents ;). Not that there is any footage out there of me putting on a dance routine for the camera. (insert throat clearing here) So, anyway, carrying on, in case you'd like to see the original video they are dancing to here it is...
Alright, well, I've got some laundry to do and dinner to make so, hopefully we'll be chatting here again soon!