Wow! Summer went by fast! Yesterday was the kids' first day back to school. Big R is now officially a middle school student. MoMo is a 4th grader. What!?
Well, we did have a fun summer, even though it went by too quickly. This is gonna be another one of those catch up posts where I do 3 months in one so get ready for lots of pictures! After Big R's birthday we had the family campout in UT. On the way the kids and I stopped at Bryce Canyon. I posted these pictures on Facebook so you may have seen them already but here they are again in case you missed them.
almost saw an 1800-year-old bristlecone pine tree. There's a hiking trail that is about 1 mile long and loops around and you can see a tree estimated to be 1800 years old. I wasn't sure the kids were up to it but they wanted to do the hike so we set out. We got almost halfway (just shy of the tree) and we decided we'd just about had enough hiking (we still had to walk back) so we turned around without making it to the tree. The elevation (over 9000 feet) makes it a whole lot harder to hike. Oh well. The hike was still nice there among the trees.
hiking the Bristlecone Loop |
At our actual camping site I neglected to get out the camera and take pictures except for a couple of times. I've been really bad about that. But the kids had a great time playing in the small creek that ran along the edge of the campsite. We also played games ( a lot of 5 Crowns and some kings on the corner) and got rained on. But all in all it was a good time (for most of us).
dancing around the firepit |
Playing 5 Crowns |
After we packed up camp we went to my sister's house for Grandma Camp. Grandma had lots of fun science experiments for the kids to do and they had a good time.
I think it's awesome that the cousins get to hang out together at Grandma Camp. It's a lot of work but the kids are making lots of memories and that's pretty cool.
When we got home I finally did a little bit of scrapping again.
One of the things on our Summer Bucket List was to have a Harry Potter day and watch some Harry Potter movies and have some Harry Potter food to go with it. I made some butterbeer cupcakes (super yummy by the way), we had some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (in case you're not familiar these are jelly beans and they really do come in all flavors even ones like vomit, booger, and earthworm), and "potions" made by dissolving Jolly Rancher candies in 7up. Those were MoMo's idea.
porridge for breakfast |
Mmmm! Butterbeer cupcake! |
Porridge |
Butterbeer! |
Bertie Bott's Every Flavor beans |
Hope I don't get booger... |
Drinking his potion. I think it was a Draught of Living Death. |
Polyjuice Potion? |
Last (school) year when the kids were doing testing (CRT) their principal promised that all the kids who met their goals on the test in reading and math would get a trip to the water park. Well, both big R and MoMo both met their goals and got to go! They were pretty excited because they have been wanting to for quite a while. They've never been. Or at least not until they got to go a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to take them again last Friday as a sort of last hurrah before school started yesterday but we have had a lot of smoke here from wildfires burning in CA. So much smoke that the water park has been closed. Yesterday we finally had a glimpse of the sky after days of it being blocked out by smoke. That kind of put a damper on any outdoor activities. Usually every year on or near my birthday we watch the Perseid meteor shower. This year, however, we couldn't see much due to the smoke. :( Hopefully they are able to get the fires out soon.
I was able to get some sewing done. Before our camping trip I suddenly decided I NEEDED to make a jean rag quilt to take with us. So, I dropped my other works-in-progress and managed to throw one together in time. I like the way it turned out. And it's sturdy and substantial since it's made with denim. It'll be good for camping and picnics and such.
I also finished the triangle quilt top I'm making for my friend's baby boy due in September. I LOVE it! I almost don't want to give it away! But I do have some leftover fabric from it so maybe I can make another quilt to keep. ;)
I need to get batting so I can finish it up which I'll get later this week. I've got a trip to the Big City planned for Friday. I get to go all alone, no kids, no husband so I can browse as long as I want in the fabric store. And the craft store. I can hardly wait!
In other sewing, I have a niece who turned 1 recently. I made her a rag doll for her birthday. I think she's pretty cute.
Too bad my niece is at an I-only-want-my-mommy-so-don't-you-even-try-to-hold-me stage. I only got to hold her once without her screaming for her Mommy. (sigh) I guess she just doesn't know I'm her favorite auntie yet.
We also had a quick weekend trip down to So Cal to visit with Hubby's family. Again, no pictures. :( Sorry.
I think that mostly catches you all up. Maybe it won't be so long until I post again. We can always hope...
Anyway, I've got one more scrapbook page that I did. Until next time...