Thursday, August 28, 2014
TBT #3
Welcome to another Throwback Thursday! Today I've got one of my {little} Big R. This is at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon back in 2008. Just chillin'. (Notice my sister's blanket? Animaniacs. It's a double throwback!) Love that smile! I might be a bit biased but I think he's adorable! :)
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Throwback Thursday #2 August 21, 2014
Welcome to another Throwback Thursday. I'm calling this the Moving Edition. So, as you know, we're in the process of moving. Today I have photos from the last time we moved, nearly 7 years ago in 2007. Here's my little helper painting the walls...

Or more accurately, herself! Not sure if she got more paint on the walls or herself. Yes, she was still in her I-Don't-Want-To-Wear-Clothes Stage. But by the look of things here that was probably for the best!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Well, I just wanted to make the official announcement regarding the Big News I mentioned before. Some of you know already know or at least knew that there was the possibility of it happening. So, the news is we are moving! Not far, though. Actually, just across the street! Basically our neighbors bought a new home and were looking for renters for their first home. They offered us rent that was less than our current rent and the "new" house is just nicer since it has a landscaped backyard (including fruit trees, raised garden beds, grass, fire pit, and sheds), a pantry in the kitchen, ceiling fans, and more. We are actually in the process of moving our stuff over so it's pretty crazy around here. And I'm exhausted. And sore. And sweaty. TMI? I'll have to take some pics to share. Once we get somewhat settled. Or at least get all our stuff over there.
Anyway, school started today. I did manage a couple of photos but I don't know exactly where I put my camera after doing so (my brain is completely scrambled at the moment) so I'll put them up sometime when I find it. Big R is a 7th grader now (!!!) and MoMo is 5th (!!!). What!?
So, that's all for now. I've got a few more things to do tonight and then bedtime (finally). And back at it tomorrow... why do I have so much stuff?
Anyway, school started today. I did manage a couple of photos but I don't know exactly where I put my camera after doing so (my brain is completely scrambled at the moment) so I'll put them up sometime when I find it. Big R is a 7th grader now (!!!) and MoMo is 5th (!!!). What!?
So, that's all for now. I've got a few more things to do tonight and then bedtime (finally). And back at it tomorrow... why do I have so much stuff?
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Throwback Thursday #1 August 14, 2014
You probably have seen the Throwback Thursday posts online. (also tagged #TBT) I've seen Throwback Thursday posts and sort of in the back of my mind thought that it would be fun to do some but just never really got motivated to actually do it. But we were looking through some old photos the other day, trying to find some specific photos from 2007. In the search I rediscovered lots of older photos that I haven't seen in quite a long time. (the perils of digital photos: stored in the depths of a computer or on dusty old disks and never printed) I got completely sidetracked in my search, looking at all these photos of my much younger and smaller kids and laughing and reminiscing (but did eventually find the photos we had originally set out to find). And that has really inspired me to post some TBT photos of my own. At the end of July my mom hosted Grandma Camp and fortunately all the grandkids were able to be there, at least at one point or another. But my sisters and I had gotten to talking about that time when we all showed up at Mom and Dad's with nearly identical hairstyles and glasses. LOL Well, in addition to the photos I also found a cache of older scrapbook pages I've made and found one featuring this very photo...
None of us had any idea that the others had the same hair or glasses. And I really don't know why I'm not smiling. ???
So, this is my very first TBT post. I hope to make it a weekly thing. But please don't hold it against me if I don't. Anyway, I hope you like it.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Hey everyone. It's been a while. We've obviously been enjoying summer vacation, living life, and making memories even though I haven't shared. I've got some photos and stories to share but I haven't gotten around to writing them up and posting them. I don't know when that might be since we've got a Major Event about to happen next week and school starts back up next week, too. I'm totally stressed! But maybe (hopefully) in a couple weeks things will have calmed down and I'll be able to compose some posts regarding our recent events.
Anyway, I just wanted to share some layouts I've done in the last 2 or 3 months. Quite a few of them, actually. I've kind of been saving them up. Some were scrapped with older photos and others with recent photos. Well, okay, I suppose that's all for now. Enjoy!