Well, it's FINALLY done. We have now moved all our stuff to the new house and turned in the keys to the old house. It was a lot of work. I didn't realize just how much stuff we (OK, I probably should say "I" because a lot of it
is mine; craft stuff, fabric, etc) have. It seemed never ending. But it's done and I am SO happy to be done. At least with the moving stuff to the new house part. Of course, the next phase is unpacking boxes. But the heavy lifting is finished. Whew. But in the plus column, I did find a few things that I thought I had lost. Turns out they were just "misplaced." LOL ;)
We spent the weekend mostly just relaxing and enjoying the new house. I am LOVING the ceiling fans here! And the backyard that is landscaped, not just a huge sandbox. Oh, and an actual clothesline. We usually just hang clothes we don't want to put in the dryer over chairs and the barstools which just clutters things up. Now we can hang them up on the line. In fact, I've already used it.
So, I promised some pics and I have some to share here. First the backyard.

You may have spotted a dog or two in the picture. They are not ours. We're just keeping them temporarily for one of Hubby's coworkers who is also in the midst of moving.While they are waiting to move into their new house, they were living in a trailer with a 3 year old and the 2 dogs. Since we had an unoccupied dog run Hubby offered to house them here for a few weeks. The building is part shed/part doghouse.
Next we have some Asian pear trees.
And at the far top/left of the picture you can just make out the roof of another shed on the other side of the fence which is filled with camping gear and stuff.
Then we've got the chicken coop.

Those are grape vines growing on it. And in the foreground, squash and pumpkin plants mixed in with tomatillo plants.
This is the main garden area behind the morning-glory-covered-fence. And those are apple trees along the fence line.

And a look inside the fenced garden...

More squash, eggplant, green beans, and cherry tomatoes. Oh, and raspberries. These are red raspberries.
In the corner, more raspberries. These are yellow raspberries. Yum! And you can also see a small part of the lawn.

And the patio with bench and firepit. That's it for the outside. On the inside we've still got boxes to unpack and we haven't gotten everything arranged yet. The layout of the new house is different than the old one so we're still trying to figure out to arrange everything. But I've got a pantry in the kitchen...
The old house had an electric stove which I absolutely hated. Now I have a gas stove again! So happy!
And ceiling fans. Huge fan of the fans! LOL
Also, the walls here are painted in colors other than 50 shades of white. The living/dining/kitchen areas are a tan color and a green. One kids' bedroom is green and the other is a pale blush color. Very slightly pinkish. The master bedroom is blue, which I like, but our bedding is purple so they don't really go together. Our new landlords have said we can paint whatever colors we want but it might be time for new bedding, anyway. ;)
So, there you have a look at the new casa. I have been working on some more scrapping so I will probably post some pages here soon. In fact, I may just upload some right now...