Happy International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, all! I'm not at all sure how one is supposed to celebrate this holiday. I, for one, will NOT be consuming any dog biscuits. But perhaps I'll offer a few to the dog. Not that he'll grasp the significance of such a holiday. He is a dog, after all. And as dogs go, he's not among the brightest I've encountered. Although he does a great job of protecting us from the evil vacuum. Yes, every time I vacuum he barks wildly at it and even bites the thing. Like I said, he's not the brightest dog around. But I guess it could be considered sweet that he is protective enough of us to attack the vacuum to keep us safe. I suppose that should earn him a dog biscuit. Here's a scrapbooking layout I did awhile back.

And I recently did another layout in honor of the love my son has for the dog. In fact, when I asked him who he loved and supplied a list such as myself, his dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and our pets, including our 2 cats and the dog. The only person (animal) that he would admit to loving was the dog.

So, I guess that's all for his post. Take care!
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