Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hello once again! In case you were wondering, I have finished all 4 Twilight Saga books! So, maybe now I can get some other things done. At least until I decide I need to read them all again! LOL
Anyway, I did do something NOT Twilight related last weekend. We went rockhounding again. We went to Quartz Mountain to look for some pyrite and things. Big R has been asking to go back. The last time we went he found the biggest rock with a lot of pyrite in it so he was pretty excited. We did find some pyrite this time but not as much as we've found in the past. Must have gotten all the good stuff already! LOL Well, there are actually mines all over the place out there but I didn't know until last week that they are actually part of 2 different ghost towns. This time we drove around a bit and found what must have been a sleeping shack. DH checked it out and said there was shelving against one wall and a stove, I think. It was a tiny thing, dug into the hill, barely big enough to fit one person. And it turns out that what they mined there was gold. Apparently you can also find silver, antimony and copper in the area as well. Haven't found anything like that, yet, though. We also decided to hit up a spot near there where fossils are found. The other time we went to look for fossils we found a few but that was it. This time, we found a whole bucket-full. Mostly leaf fossils but I found one that might be a shell. Pretty cool. Unfortunately we didn't get any pics of the hunting but I took a few pics of some fossils once we got home.
I know the last 2 pics are blurry. I'm not the best photographer. But you should be able to see the leaf shapes well enough.
And today my poor baby girl had to get some immunizations. But these were the last she needs until she's like 13 so I'm glad about that. She did such a great job, though. She's a brave girl. She got 3 pokes and just cried a bit on the 3rd poke. But as soon as the bandaids were on she was all good. Bandaids make everything better! So, she got to get some ice cream after as a special treat. That was a big difference from when Big R got those same shots. Before they even gave him any shots he was screaming like he was being murdered. They had to bring in another nurse to help hold him down. He freaked out all the kids in the waiting room, who weren't even necessarily getting shots, because that's how loud he was screaming. SOOOOOOO glad he's pretty much done as well. (for a number of years, anyway) He doesn't handle blood and/or needles well at all.
So, that's about all. Catcha later!

Friday, April 24, 2009

I know I've been absent this week but I have a really good reason! Well, maybe not. Some of you might know that my friend (Thanks D!) got me started on the Twilight books. I know it's been around awhile but I wasn't all that interested in reading it. It just didn't sound like something that I'd enjoy reading. So, my friend, who, in general, is not a reader, had started reading the series and she became obsessed. She wanted to take me along on her Twilight obsession journey and offered to lend me her books. She was so excited about it and she showed me a few things online about it and I didn't have a new book that I was reading (Shocking, I know! LOL BUT I was rereading a book I had already read. ) so I said, "What the heck?" and accepted. Now I am CONSUMED with Twilight! I finished Twilight in a day and D gave me #2, New Moon. I finished that in a day as well and now I'm itching to start the next. BUT I'm trying to hold out for awhile. I could spend all my time neglecting my housework with my nose stuck in a book. I totally wouldn't mind that. Until I surfaced and realized how out of control the house had gotten. As much as I despise cleaning I do want to live in a clean house. Plus, DH wouldn't be too happy about it, either. Soooooooo, I'm trying to wait a bit (until next week, at least?) before I get into the next book. Or perhaps I ought to admit I have a problem and join Twilight Anonymous. ROFL
In addition to Twilight, I also went to 2 T Ball games this week. Big R had 2 games this week and he is really loving it. You all know he's pretty talented athletically. Must take after his mom. Just kidding! I'm not terrible at sports but I'm not uber-talented, either. And I'm much happier doing things like reading or scrapbooking. But here's a pic of Big R before a game. He's #10, by the way. He's with his friend S who lives across the street and is D's son.
And then it was funny because at the game my daughter and D's daughter happened to be wearing the same shirt! I was trying to get their picture together but my DD didn't want to cooperate. Stinker! Speaking of DD, she's got an obsession as well. Cinnamon toast. Almost every day she requests cinnamon toast for breakfast. With hot chocolate, of course. Just the Swiss Miss kind, though. Not Granny's cocoa. After a sunny and quite warm week (I seriously considered turning on the A/C), today is drizzly and cool. So, it's a perfect day for cinnamon toast and hot chocolate.
And here's an update on our caterpillars. All have encased themselves in a chrysalis. Before too much longer, we'll have butterflies! Once they are in their chrysalises?, chyrsali?, what is the plural of chrysalis? Anyway, after they are all in a chrysalis you are supposed to move them from the small jar that they came in to their mesh butterfly house.

Oh, I did something else this week. I decided to get rid of some of my traditional paper scrapbooking stuff. Yes, I have been thinking about paring down my stash but I wasn't too sure about parting with it. Maybe I'd want it someday. But I've realized that I hardly ever use it anymore. I've gone digital and I don't see myself getting back into paper scrapping with the same enthusiasm as I once had. I'm not getting rid of it all. But I did have a lot of papers that I got at the beginning that just aren't my style anymore so even if I do paper scrap, I doubt I'd use them. And, actually, it feels a bit liberating to be paring down the boxes and boxes (and boxes) of stuff that were cluttering up the garage. So, that's been my week. I hope yours has been a good one, too. Bye!

P.S. I'm editing this because the chrysalis thing was bugging (haha!) me so I looked it up. It appears that I misspelled chrysalis (I had used 2 of the letter l in it) and that the plural is chrysalises or chrysalides. I hope all you spelling and punctuation police will be happy. You know who you are!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Soooo...yesterday we spent the day at the reservoir. The weather was really nice and we did some fishing, though the only one who caught anything was Big R. (I'm gonna start using that as DS's nickname. There's a store here with that name and I saw the sign yesterday and thought, "Yeah, that's a good name for him!") Anyway, he got one but no one else.
He reeled that in all by himself, too! It was frustrating as there were fish jumping out of the water all over the place but we weren't catching any. But we had a weenie roast and smores and that went a long way toward making up for our lack of fish.
There was just one major lowpoint. Notice the blanket Big R is sitting on in the previous pic? Anyone recognize it? It's the quilt I made DH. Now look at THIS pic...
Um, yeah, that's a BIG HOLE BURNED IN IT!!!!! The fire popped and a huge coal right onto the blanket. Ack! Well, I just can't even think about that anymore (breathe...breathe...) so on to a few more pics of my beautiful kiddos.
Alrighty, then. I think that's all I've got for now. Bye!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello! So, we did make it to the children's museum yesterday. The kids had a lot of fun. Here are some pics.

They had a cool maze game that is projected on the floor. It's one of those with a ball that you try to navigate around the holes. So, the kids stand on it and move around to tilt the board and the balls rolls around. Does that make any sense? Anyway, it's really cool. I was trying to get a movie of DD doing it but she wouldn't cooperate. And they have a climbing wall that is like a treadmill so you can keep climbing and climbing. I have a bit of video of DS attempting it.

Let's see, what else did they have? Oh, a store/restaurant that the kids really, really liked. Here's a video of DD shopping and DS cooking.
It was pretty fun. Then we had lunch and hit up Costco. The samples are always a hit with the kids! Got some of the super yummy frozen orange chicken they sell there. That's on the menu for tonight. So, it was a nice day all around. Nice to get out and about. Today we're just kind of chillin' out at home. I'm gonna go to the grocery store and all in a bit. DH got off early today so he's gonna stay home with the kiddos and I get to go ALONE! What will I ever do with myself with no kids in tow? Oh, here's an update photo on our caterpillars.

They have been busy gobbling up food and growing! So, that's all for now. Gotta go shop!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wow, we've had some crazy weather here. I think I may have cursed us as I emailed my mom that I thought spring was really here to stay. But then yesterday it was windy, overcast and about 50 degrees but not too bad. Then suddenly snow started coming down. Well, at first I thought it had to be something else, seeds or something form a plant blowing around in the wind. I mean, it's 50 degrees out so it couldn't be snow, right? Well, it WAS snow and in the matter of maybe 10 minutes the temperature had dropped from 50 to 34! Man, oh, man. We had snow flurries off and on the rest of the day but nothing really stuck. DS had a T Ball game scheduled yesterday evening but it was cancelled due to the weather. We are having the same sort of weather today so I do believe tonight's game will be cancelled as well. I covered my garden in hopes that it will survive. I really do hope all my little asparagus survive. We had at least 22 stalks coming up. My poor tender little plants.
Well, I did take the kids bowling for the first time yesterday. We had so much fun. The kids really loved it and DS was really good! The first game he bowled a 74 but by the second game he was doing much better and for several frames he was ahead of me! He scored an 88 on the second game. He did have the bumpers up but on the second game he wasn't even bouncing the ball off them very much. Wow! DD did pretty well, too. And she was too cute jumping up and down in excitement after she'd roll the ball down the lane and knock over some pins. So, that was really fun. They are already asking if we can go again.
We were going to go to the children's museum in CC today but I didn't want to go that far in this weather. Tomorrow it's supposed to clear up so we'll probably go tomorrow. I'm trying to keep the kids busy to minimize the fighting and bickering between them.
Well, I better go. Besides my internet today is slothfully slow. It's making me crazy. See, how spoiled I am? I can't just be happy and grateful that I HAVE internet at all. I'm irritated that it's slow. I'm going to try to work on that...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. The Bunny, of course, visited our house. The kids had a great time hunting the eggs this morning. Though, the "Bunny" wasn't too thrilled to be hiding eggs at 6:30 in the morning in the 34 degree cold! Brrr! Here are some pics from the egg dyeing yesterday. As you can see in the last couple, the kids are purists and colored all the eggs a solid color!
We also had a visit from some hyped up bunnies. Might have been from the before-breakfast candy. Hopefully it's the candy, not that they are rabid...

Sorry about the 2nd video. I forget that I don't know how to rotate the video after I've filmed it. I always seem to turn the camera and the movie ends up sideways. If anyone knows how to rotate it, please feel free to pass that info on to me!
Oh, and I made the mistake yesterday of mentioning to DH that I was thinking of making ebleskivers for breakfast today. I didn't feel like doing it today and wasn't going to but DH says, "I thought you were going to make ebleskivers!" So, I made them and actually, I'm glad I did. They are so yummy! Just a little tidbit on ebleskivers here. Although we like to use a 2-pronged fork, I read that in Denmark they use a knitting needle to flip the balls. Can't verify that but I did read that somewhere.
Well, anyway, I think that's all for now. I'll talk to (at) you again soon!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Opening Day of Baseball! Here, in my town, anyway. DS played his first T-ball game. His team is the Pirates and they played the Yankees today. He did really well and had a lot of fun. Got to try out his new cleats and he also was the first injured player. Well, just a little scrape, really. I was filming his at-bat and he rounded first and was headed for second. The first base coach blocked my view momentarily and then suddenly DS was down. Apparently he collided with the first base player for the Yankees and got knocked down. He scraped his arm a bit but he got up and finished running the bases. Yay! DD and DH didn't make it to the game, though. DD was up LATE AGAIN and we could NOT rouse her to go to the game at 9:30am. Well, there's another game Tuesday evening so there's another opportunity for them to go. And unfortunately, I had taken the memory card out of DH's camera to put the pics on my computer. I bet you can guess what happens next...Yup, I FORGOT to replace the memory card!!! Dumb, dumb, dumb. Anyway, I did get a few pics since his camera has some internal memory but only maybe 5 or 6. Ooops! And let me just top that by telling you that up until yesterday I TOTALLY thought Easter was still a week away! I don't know why I thought that but I did. Luckily I (I mean the Easter Bunny) did the basket shopping early this year. Whew! And I have a collection of Easter Egg coloring kits that I've purchased on clearance after previous Easters so I wasn't planning to buy a new one, anyway. But I did have to get eggs to color. Sheesh! Snuck right up on me!
So, I'm trying to figure out how to get the pics from the internal memory in the camera onto my computer. DH is fetching the USB cord so I hope that works... Ok, here we go. Still photos from the game. We're still trying to figure out how to put the video on the computer so at some point in the future I hope to be able to post that here, as well. But for now, this is all I have. And I'm going to have to go get the egg coloring underway. So, I'll talk atcha later, gators! Go Pirates!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Heya everyone! Well, this morning I got up and sent DS off to school. It was such a dark, rainy morning and DD was up late (AGAIN!) and was still sleeping so I gave in to temptation and crawled back into my warm, soft bed. Plus, I was thinking how today was only a half day of school oneand the last day before SPRING BREAK! I'm excited and terrified to have both kids home for the next 9 days! LOL I'm only used to one being home most of the time now. But...soon they'll both be in school. Yup, today I registered my sweet baby girl for kindergarten! My, oh, my, how time flies!
In the mail today we got a container of caterpillers. Every year we order caterpillers and watch them grow and change into butterflies. I tried to take some pics to show their progress but they didn't come out too well. I'll add one, anyway, because you can see their size pretty well, though they mostly look like black blobs. And speaking of mail, we've gotten a couple of packages of Easter goodies for the kids the last couple of days from grandmas. Here are some pics of the kids opening the packages from Grandma Rose. (I'm sorry! I didn't get pics of them opening the box from their other grandma! Ooops!)

The kids really enjoyed all the goodies they got from their grandmas, particularly the candy!
And in case you didn't see my Facebook status, I've got lots of little asparagus popping up in my garden! I'm so excited! And the strawberry plants I planted seem to be doing well so far. Haven't shriveled up and died yet so that's a good thing. Maybe there's hope for some produce from my garden this year!
Well, that's about all I have. Bye!