Anyway, I did do something NOT Twilight related last weekend. We went rockhounding again. We went to Quartz Mountain to look for some pyrite and things. Big R has been asking to go back. The last time we went he found the biggest rock with a lot of pyrite in it so he was pretty excited. We did find some pyrite this time but not as much as we've found in the past. Must have gotten all the good stuff already! LOL Well, there are actually mines all over the place out there but I didn't know until last week that they are actually part of 2 different ghost towns. This time we drove around a bit and found what must have been a sleeping shack. DH checked it out and said there was shelving against one wall and a stove, I think. It was a tiny thing, dug into the hill, barely big enough to fit one person. And it turns out that what they mined there was gold. Apparently you can also find silver, antimony and copper in the area as well. Haven't found anything like that, yet, though. We also decided to hit up a spot near there where fossils are found. The other time we went to look for fossils we found a few but that was it. This time, we found a whole bucket-full. Mostly leaf fossils but I found one that might be a shell. Pretty cool. Unfortunately we didn't get any pics of the hunting but I took a few pics of some fossils once we got home.
I know the last 2 pics are blurry. I'm not the best photographer. But you should be able to see the leaf shapes well enough.
And today my poor baby girl had to get some immunizations. But these were the last she needs until she's like 13 so I'm glad about that. She did such a great job, though. She's a brave girl. She got 3 pokes and just cried a bit on the 3rd poke. But as soon as the bandaids were on she was all good. Bandaids make everything better! So, she got to get some ice cream after as a special treat. That was a big difference from when Big R got those same shots. Before they even gave him any shots he was screaming like he was being murdered. They had to bring in another nurse to help hold him down. He freaked out all the kids in the waiting room, who weren't even necessarily getting shots, because that's how loud he was screaming. SOOOOOOO glad he's pretty much done as well. (for a number of years, anyway) He doesn't handle blood and/or needles well at all.
So, that's about all. Catcha later!
1 comment:
Isn't Twilight like the best thing ever!? I am so in love with it. I read the first book right after I had Caleb and have since read all the book twice! HAHA! Love you!
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