Hello. I spent most of yesterday recovering from our trip. Whew! I'm not as young as I used to be! LOL It wasn't too bad but the first day I wore shoes that rubbed my feet all wrong and I got the biggest blister on my little toe. Ouch! So, for day 2 I opted to wear my flip flops and that was so much better. Anyway, we left at 5am to drive to Disneyland and made it there, parked, got my ticket and had about 15 minutes before the park opened. Almost perfect timing. ANd that even includes the time we spent when I had to pull over (on the downhill portion of the Cajon Pass, no less. SCARY!) so Big R could get sick. Poor guy. But he was just fine after that. Here are the kids on the tram to the front entrance. 

And here they are with Grandma waiting for the park to open.
I had used RideMax software to make us a schedule. If you haven't heard of it, it's a special program to calculate the best schedule based on the day you go to minimize your wait times. On the way into the park some of the characters were on Main Street for photos. We got pics with Pluto. So, according to my LIST (LOL Me and my lists) we should go to the Astro Rockets first and a runner (me) should run over to Space Mtn to get a Fast Pass. I didn't quite make it back to the rockets in time to ride with them because I had trouble working the FastPass machine. Totally operator error. I was putting the tickets in upside down.
Anyway, after they got off the rockets we did the Buzz Lightyear ride. The kids loved both of those rides but I wasn't sure about the next one: Big Thunder Mtn Railroad. And I wasn't sure MoMo would meet the 40" height requirement. But she was tall enough! And both of them absolutely loved the fast ride. I rode with MoMo and Big R and my MIL rode in the seat behind us. The whole time I could hear Big R whooping and hollering. Things like, "Yee haw!" and "Woo hoo!" and "Yeah!" I wasn't too sure about MoMo. She wasn't smiling on it but not crying, either. But when we got off she got this big smile and said, "That was awesome!" I guess I've got dare devil children. LOL We got off schedule from my list but still we didn't wait very long for most rides. We hit the Teacups, Space Mtn, Star Tours, Roger Rabbit, the Go Gadget coaster in Toon Town, explored Toon Town, met Minnie Mouse at her house in Toon Town, and rode It's a Small World. Big R didn't want to go on that one. He said, "It's gonna be BORING." But once we were on it there were lots of things to see and he enjoyed it. We also did Pirates of the Carribbean, the Haunted Mansion and the Matterhorn. We were in line at the Matterhorn and almost at the front, maybe 2 cars worth of people ahead of us. Then they had "technical difficulties." They announced that they expected the wait to be 20 minutes until the ride was operational again. We decided since we were so close, we'd wait. After a while, they again announced a 20 minute wait. We debated whether to wait or go and decided to wait a bit longer. Finally, they got it running again and we went on the ride. Up to that point, that had been our longest wait in line. We did Dumbo, of course. What's a trip to Disney without going on Dumbo?
We also did Autopia. Here's a pic of Big R peeking out of the yellow car.
They have a fun Jedi training show that we watched. They pick kids out of the audience to train as Jedis. The kids get to wear a cloak and use a plastic light saber. We were trying to get Riley to volunteer but he was apprehensive. But when Darth Vader came out and the kids got to duel with him he was disappointed that he didn't volunteer. All MoMo wanted was some Minnie Mouse ears. We kept seeing people with all sorts of cool ear hats. Not just plain black Mickey or black with a bow for Minnie anymore. They have pink ones, glittery ones, blue ones, bride and groom ones...So many! MoMo picked out pink ones with a little crown. Big R got a Goofy ball cap with Goofy ears hanging on it. There is a picture but it's on MIL's camera and not uploaded to the computer, yet. Plus she's got a lot of others, too. I'll have to post those some day in the future. For our last ride Big R wanted to go on the Indiana Jones one even though it was an hour wait and we waited too late to use FastPass. MoMo had gone on all the other rides so we didn't really think that she'd bee too short to do Indy. But after we'd waited in line a bit, one of the workers told us she wasn't tall enough. I felt so bad. She cried, poor thing. But MIL took her to the Tiki Room and Tarzan's Treehouse while Big R and I waited for Indy.
(Big R in line for Indy) We finally got all the way to the front and loaded on the ride when there was a malfunction of some sort. I figured they'd start it up again soon but this time I guess something was really wrong. Everyone had to exit the ride completely. They herded everyone outside and gave us all a ticket that works like a FastPass on any ride. Unfortunately, we were on our way out of the park so we couldn't use it. :( Oh well. We did a lot of the rides and had a fantastic time. The kids did such a great job, even though they got up before it was light (4:30am!) and walked all day. They were troopers and didn't complain or whine (too much). As we were riding the tram back to the parking lot we were able to see the fireworks before we headed back to our hotel. The kids were asleep almost as soon as their heads hit their pillows. My little angels. So, that about covers our Disneyland adventure. I have more pics to post later and I'll write up Seaworld with pics from that as well.
On a final, sad note, I'm not sure when I will be able to do that, though, because my husband's grandmother passed away today. I'm not sure as yet what will happen in the next few days. I will try to post again here soon.
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