That last one is outside with the inflatable wand she picked out with the tickets she won.
Then yesterday was the day we did cake and presents. She got to take cupcakes to share with her class at school. After school, she wanted to decorate her cake herself so she spread the frosting and added some of her Littlest Pet Shop toys to decorate. She wanted a Littlest Pet Shop theme fr her birthday but unfortunately the party store didn't carry it. Instead we picked out an array of purple and pink supplies, which are her favorite colors. And she decorated the cake with LPS.
After the spaghetti she chose for her birthday dinner we had cake and ice cream (both vanilla flavor).
Here are some pics of her opening presents. This year she wanted Littlest Pet Shop and Polly Pocket things and that's mostly what she got! Lots of teeny, tiny pieces.
So, that pretty much covers it. Oh, except that Mom made MoMo her annual birthday dress. I don't have a photo yet so I'll post it later. Ok, then, guess I better go. Bye!
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