I did enjoy spending time with the grownups, too. (But I'm sorry to say, you're just not as cute as Lil C). While in AZ my mom took us to Oatman and we looked in some of the shops there and fed the burros. Well, Big R didn't want to get too close to the burros but MoMo loved feeding them carrots.
My mom also forced me (ok, she didn't force me, contrary to what she may tell you, but she did encourage me) to make a quilt while I was there. See, I have a list of quilts I want to make and people I want to make quilts for. Hubby's grandma and grandpa have been on my list. But as often happens, I thought, "Oh, there's time still to make it. I'll do it next month or next year." I had commented to my mom that I really ought to get the quilt for Hubby's grandma done soon as her health has been declining. So, Mom convinced me to make it while I was there and assured me she'd help so it would get done quickly. Off we went to Wal Mart (pretty much the only place to buy fabric there) and picked out fabrics and got to cutting and stitching. The day before we were planning to leave, the quilt was finished. Hubby was able to take it to her as they live in the same town as my parents. This is the finished quilt.
I have a photo of her with the quilt but I can't seem to find it right at the moment. Anyway, I'm very glad that my mom encouraged me to make the quilt and we got it done. Just a few days later, we found out that Hubby's grandma has advanced cancer. If I had continued put it off as I had been doing, I may very well have missed the opportunity. I am so very grateful that I was able to give her the quilt and I truly hope that it will provide her some warmth and comfort in these difficult times.
Yesterday we drove down to see my favorite auntie. We had a great time visiting with her and her daughter. We went to eat at King's Fish House and it was so delicious. Auntie even tried some sashimi and liked it! After we went shopping in some of the nearby stores. Big R got a new pair of shoes. Hubby had promised to get Big R a hat a while back but we didn't find any that would fit. Then we went to the little girl's store and MoMo was like a kid in a candy store! She knows exactly what she wants/likes and went through the store and selected a gauzy skirt, a brightly colored shirt, a glittery scarf, bling-y sunglasses, sparkly headbands, glitzy bracelets and a multicolored necklace! Whew! Oh, I forgot the neon nail polish. And you might think that with all that she'd have forgotten all that she had gotten by today. But this morning she was putting it all on for a photo and kept asking Hubby, "Where are my bracelets?" and "What about my necklace?" She knew exactly what she had. So, here's a pic of her all decked out in her new things.
My girl is something else.
We really enjoyed spending some time with my auntie, who we hadn't seen in several years. She took some other photos of our visit so I hope to be able to share those with you all soon.
Ok, I know this has gotten quite long so I'll finish up. Love to you all! And a very happy International Polar Bear Day, too!
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