Anyway, I have here some photos of my new fabric!
Paisley!!! You know I LOVE paisley!
As much as I love paisley, though, I think the barnyard prints are my favorites. After finishing that quilt for hubby's grandmother, I have the fever bad. For now, it's all about quilts. I'm working on one for Hubby's grandfather out of bali fabrics. Here's the actual set I'm using. Bali Pops Berry Bliss. I also have another Bali Pops set that I previously purchased. It's Bali Pops Butterscotch. Very yummy!
Well I really ought to get some lunch and get back to my muscles. Next time I hope to have some photos of my current quilt project to share with you. So, until then...
Ooh, I love the paisley, too. Especially the colors. I can't wait to see the Bali one you're working on. What pattern?
I really like the new look of your blog
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