Ok, I guess I'm a little behind on my blogging. I haven't even posted any pics from Big R's birthday! Bad me. And then we went camping at Bear River last weekend and I have a few pics from that. AND here's the really excellent news...Hubby had interviewed for a job Friday morning before we left for Bear River. On Monday he got a call offering him the job! Yay! I was hopeful that he'd get the job since he used to work with people from this company at his old job. he knows them all and gets along with them and the work is pretty much what he did at his old job. But there were other people interviewing as well so I was little nervous. Apparently another thing he had going for him was that he already has the clearance (ie. Secret, Top Secret, etc) required for the job. That he already had the required clearance also means he can actually start working sooner instead of waiting for the clearance to go through, which can take 1-2 months or longer. So, I guess that means that we will be staying here for the foreseeable future. Not that I mind so much. It is a nice place to live (when it's not -20 degrees LOL). The biggest downside is the distance from all of you. But I digress...
So, anyway, Big R's birthday. He decided this year that he didn't need a theme. "Just whatever," he told me. But he did want to have his party at the park and play baseball so I went with a baseball theme. He recently started watching Major League games on tv and his favorite team is the San Francisco Giants. I found some Giants party things to mix in with the generic baseball things. Ok, so here are some pics of him opening presents.

On his actual birthday I made him a cherry pie instead of a cake. (Hey, I asked him if he wanted cake or cupcakes but he said no) The next day was his party. The bad part about having a summer birthday is that people go on vacation. Only 3 of his friends were able to make it (though NO ONE RSVP'd) but he still had a lot of fun. Now I normally bake him a cake and I actually did bake him one for his party. But he and his dad had come up with the idea of having an ice cream cake--vanilla cake with mint chip ice cream and Magic Shell on the top. I bought all the stuff, baked the cake and then realized that my freezer was not big enough to freeze the cake in once assembled. Ooops! So, he ended up getting a store bought ice cream cake instead. I know, blasphemy! LOL So, here are the party photos.

Unfortunately with the party being outside, the candles wouldn't stay lit so we just sang sans lit candles. And that about covers it. Big R's 8th birthday. Can't believe he's getting so old.
Well, I will try to blog again soon about our Bear River trip and I have some photos from that. But for now, I'll say adieu.
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