The top is mine, the middle is MoMo's and the bottom one is Big R's. After the pumpkin carving we made our creepy creature cookies.
After dinner we got ready to trick or treat.
I took the kids around the neighborhood while Daddy manned the door here. Here are the kids with their candy haul.
Look at all that candy! Big R's candy bag (remember the old jack o' lantern bags that we had as kids?) was full right up to the top! So, today we have been taking it easy and trying to come down from the sugar high. LOL It seems as though I've crashed and I'm pretty worn out at the moment, So, I guess I'll finish this here. Bye!
mmmmmmmm, those monster cookies look good!
I wish I'd made monster cookies! Next year . . .
Looks like your kids had a pretty good haul. Good job on the ninja girl costume. Did she bust some moves?
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