I tried to estimate the retail value. It would vary depending on what part of the country you're in and what store you're shopping at but I tried to estimate on the low side. I figure the retail value is at least $62.40. But I paid less than $27. The makeup alone would normally cost just about $26. So, I basically got all the rest FREE! I LOVE free stuff! Just look in my closet at all the free razor, toothpaste, and shampoo/conditioner, etc samples I've got! LOL Plus, last Friday I got a great deal on shoes for the kids. Payless Shoes (apparently in conjunction with Oprah) had everything 50% off but just for 2 days. It just so happened that both my kids needed new shoes so we headed on down to our local Payless and got 4 pairs of shoes plus a snazzy scarf for myself for $40. Big R got 2 pair of skate shoes, one black and one white. Momo got some pink sneakers and a pair of black dress shoes with rhinestone accents on the buckle. We were all pretty happy when we left the store with our goodies. And so was my wallet!
Well, I just had to share my shopping with all of you. I'm heading back to Walgreens a couple more times this week to pick up a few more bargains and spend some of my Register Rewards. Can't let them expire! Talk to you all soon!
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